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1.1 Background
Protein (the root word from the Greek protos, meaning "the ultimate") is a complex organic compounds of high molecular weight polymer of a monomer-monomer amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Protein molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur and phosphorus. Protein plays an important role in the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.
Most proteins are enzymes or enzyme subunits. Other types of proteins play a role in structural or mechanical functions, such as proteins that form the stems and joints Cytoskeleton. Protein involved in the immune system (immune) as an antibody, the control system in the form of the hormone, as a storage component (the seeds) and also in the transport of nutrients. As one source of nutrition, proteins serve as a source of amino acids for organisms that are not able to form these amino acids (heterotrof).

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description of the process in the reactor unit sinesa DC-101

Synthesis section 
In this section urea is made from carbon dioxide gas, liquid ammonia, and the solution karbamat byrecycle. The main tool is the synthesis reactor (DC-101) of the vessel upright on the operating temperature of 195 0C and pressure of 200 kg/cm2. This reactor provides sufficient volume to conduct the reaction of urea synthesis, as close as close to the equilibrium reaction. According to the design capacity, residence time in the reactor is 25 minutes. Because the reactant and product substances are corrosive then the entire surface of contact with the solution given the protective layer of stainless steel. Usually stainless steel and stainless steel are also

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